San Drancisco CA – Tedjuan V Jang was born and raised in San Francisco, not in Chinatown but in the Russan Hill North Beach Districts.Occasionally visiting Chinatown not knowing anything about being Chinese or not realizing he came from a poor family and yet being diverse in character and not knowing that. Early on he was attracted to church when his family suggested he attend the local church in the neighborhood. Even though the local Chinese Episcopal Church as also nearby, In his words: “I was directed to the local Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Moving onto many years later, I think it has to do with the fact I am dyslexic but never knew what that was nor did anybody know what it is to be dyslexic was, at least when I went through seminary at the School for Deacons in 1994 to my graduation in 2001. A Bachelor of Theological Studies now no longer granted is the biggest achievement I cherish and accomplished.started as a parishioner at Grace Cathedral from 1962 to 1997. Been through many vocational journeys which helped me grow up more and explore life more which I am grateful while at Grace. I started my formal discernment with when I became a parishioner at the Church of the Advent, San Francisco in 1996. I worked with the Rector at that time to be and not to do for four years until I finally met with the congregation vocations committee. Because there was a change of Rectors, there was another delay in my process once again contributing to the slowness of the process. When the new Rector arrived, the process continued until my ordination. I experienced Cursillo in 1998 and am still involved as the Bishop’s Liaison in 2006 to the 2 Bay Area Ecumenical Secretariats and one Anglican Secretariat of which the Anglican Secretariat is discerning it’s journey to dissolution Journey continues to True Sunshine Episcopal Church the I went as a field education student in 2000 and continued until 2011 then as a lay associate until my ordination as a Deacon in 2004. It was a strange journey as my time came to an end when felt time had stopped for this congregation. While on my sabbatical I was called to St. James, San Francisco where I was Deacon for 6 years until my contact was not renewed. Involved with several social justice issues as a part timer, which I enjoyed working on.With the help of the then Archdeacon, my next assignment was back to where I started at The Church of the Advent, San Francisco where I now remain, now a retired Deacon, and functioning as a liturgical Deacon.” Vincent is survived by Tedman Jang, brother, Yvonne Kantola, sister, Perry Lee, brother, Denley Jang, half-brother. He also leaves behind Emil Kantola, brother-in-law, Michelle Kantola, niece, Michael Kantola, nephew. He was predeceased by his parents, Yok Wu Jang and Christine Wong Lee. Vince’s memory will live on in the hearts of those he inspired, the congregations he served, and the countless lives he touched. May he rest in peace and rise in glory.